+353 (0)22-21539 info@djomeara.ie

Debt Collection & Enforcement

In the current economic environment the recovery of debts is of vital importance to commercial enterprises of all sizes as well as private individuals.

For both Creditors and Debtors, it is vital that reliable and full legal advice is obtained in respect of all options available.

This firm has extensive experience in representing Creditors and Debtors in all aspects of debt recovery at the level of District Court, Circuit Court and High Court as well as in the Commercial Court.

Once Judgment has been obtained, it usually requires enforcement. We have extensive experience in obtaining Instalment Orders and also in defending such applications. We have also successfully enforced judgements through Garnishee Orders, Receiver by Way of Equitable Execution Orders, Well Charging Orders and Judgment Mortgages.

There has been a renewed focus in recent times on restructuring the personal insolvency legislation and we are aware and familiar with these developments.

Please contact David O’Meara at david.omeara@djomeara.ie with any queries.