+353 (0)22-21539 info@djomeara.ie

Access, Guardianship and Custody


David J.O’Meara & Sons has extensive experience in applying for and defending applications for access, guardianship and custody. This can be an extremely emotive area and we are committed to dealing with all matters in a professional and understanding manner. Our policy is to reach agreement without recourse to the courts if possible but if this is not possible we use the full resources available through the court system.

For non-marital families these issues are dealt with by the local District Court. For marital families, these issues can be dealt with by the local District Court if other proceedings to include Judicial Separation and Divorce are not in place.

The courts can be asked to vary existing Orders. An Access Order, in particular, reflects what is in the best welfare of the child at the time the Order was granted. This changes as time passes and the court can vary any Order if required.

It is not only parents who can bring access proceedings. Partners who have acted in locus parentis, grandparents and other relatives can also apply to the court, if necessary, for access.  The process is slightly longer and again it is the welfare of the child which is central to the courts decision making process.

We represent family law clients across the Munster region. Both Michelle O’Mahony and David O’Meara are members of the private practitioners panel as operated by the Legal Aid Board.

Contact Michelle O’Mahony at michelle.omahony@djomeara.ie with any queries.